Aries Full Moon: Carrying the Head
September 2023
The Full Moon at 6 degrees of Aries will be reaching its fullness at 12:57 Cyprus time. As the Moon swells in fullness, we revisit the end of March 2023 around intentions that we placed regarding our self autonomy and our ability to externalise an intuitive vision of ourselves in directions that feel congruent to us. This Moon will reveal the ways in which we serve our own agendas, as the self can do no other but follow its own agenda when interacting with the world.
Mars is in Libra energetically opposing this Full Moon and conjunction the emptying South Node which suggests that an opportunity to let go of self-abandoning tendencies, of anger against ourselves or others for not honouring us, or moments where your bottled up passion must find expression in an outlet.
Full Moons are cathartic revelations and this one makes it a point to facilitate a release of physical and emotional energy or stressors related to the expression of our wills in the world in order to make space for new experiences that we are seeking to metabolise. There is a dual truth: we are inalienably ourselves and we are constantly rewriting ourselves and we allow others to participate in parts of our rewriting too.
The isolation of the self and the need to go it alone is something that is at times apparent with Aries energy and the ruler of this Moon being in the opposite sign of Libra suggests the need to work on our separation from other in an attempt to see the freshness and balance in sharing of the ‘new’ with others, in doing and executing with others. Capitalist culture has cornered many of us into bouts of isolation for the creation of a self and the balance of community and friendship has actually been outpriced due to our culture’s time constraints. Concern for others enriches the self and the self experiences its blindspots in others. Aries/ Libra is a constant negotiation between self and other that will colour our movement into the eclipses, how do we ethically construct a self and maintain our passion?
Are the things that drive us socially equitable?
What kind of balance to the world is the emergence of our unique self bringing?
The Moon also semisquares Venus in Leo suggesting that all the Rx material we gathered during Venus’ death journey will be relevant into the next year as our reborn hearts are able to pass through the ring of fire and individuate while staying connected to the net of relationship. Carrying the burden of self and incarnation can be a heavy one but the ability to be a self in truth that feels connected to the other alleviates the burden.
A new world asserts its light
in a body
that struggles to emerge.
Birth is the most dynamic experience of all.
The head crowns into the world
And all the blood rushes to it.
A head that only belongs to you
A head you must lead
into the will of being vision manifest
constantly forming.
A seed forcing its way into the sun.
I demonstrate myself to myself
From the instinct in my belly
I discover the mystery of myself
In the choices that reveal me to me.
So much desire
To contend with
in the aliveness
that enrages inside.
So many selves to choose from
One centrifugal fire.
‘Let them know that they must respect me
For the fate of the world
Depends on the selves of humans’,
I play a thousand roles
Look at myself from the outside
Look at myself from the inside
I am what I am
And all that I don’t know about me yet.
My only goal
To recognise myself
In my life.
Here we find the beginning of things
And their end encoded in their beginnings
I’ve been here many times
Always as me
I will die
And still there is me
I lie beyond the vehicles of my personality
A truth quietly flaring in the dark
Informing all the ‘I’s I’ll come to inhabit.