Miris, Alexandria 340 A.D

by Cavafy, translation by Michelle Nicolaou

When I learned of the calamity, that Miris died,

I went to his home, but I always avoid

entering the houses of Christians

especially when they are in mourning or holding festivities.

I stood in a corridor. I did not want

to advance inside more, because I realised

how the dead''s relatives were looking at me

with obvious questioning and dislike.

They had him in a big room

and from the edge in which I stood

I saw a glimpse; all precious carpets

and bowls of copper and gold.

I was standing and crying at the edge of the corridor.

And I was thinking about our meetings and our excursions,

without Miris, they will no longer be worth anything

and I was thinking how I will not see him again

in our beautiful and lewd late nights

being happy, and laughing and reciting verses

with his perfect sense of the rhythm of Greek.

And I was thinking how I lost forever

his beauty, that I lost forever

the youth I unbearably loved.

Some old women, beside me, speaking lowly

of his last day of living-

on his lips constantly was the name of Christ

in his hands he held a cross-

Then into the room came

four Christian priests, saying prayers

diligently and praises to Jesus

or to Mary (I don't know their religion well).

We knew, of course, that Miris was a Christian

from the first hour we knew it, when the year before last

he came into our company.

But he lived absolutely like us

Of all of us, most addicted to the bliss

liberally spreading his money on fun

careless of the world's perception

he willingly threw himself into the nocturnal ruptures in the streets

when our company chanced

upon an opposite party.

Never spoke of his religion.

We even told him once

that we would bring him with us to the Serapeion.

But it was like he was saddened by that joke, I remember now

Oh and another two times come to mind now.

When to Poseidon, we poured libations,

he pulled away from our circle, and turned his look elsewhere.

When excitedly one of us said,

for our friendship to be under the favour and protection of the great,

the all beautiful Apollo- Miris had whispered

(the others didn't hear) " except me"

The Christian priests with big voices

for the soul of the youth, praised.-

I was noticing with what assiduity

and what intensive attention

to the books of their religion, they prepared

everything for the Christian burial.

And all of a sudden, I was overcome by a strange

impression. I felt as if Miris was leaving

from beside me indefinitely.I could feel how he felt,

Christian, with his people, and me who was becoming a stranger,

very strange, I was already feeling

a doubt haunting me: had I been fooled by

my passion and had always been a stranger to him.-

I jumped out of their horrifying house

I left quickly before it was captured,

before it was distorted by their christianisms,

the memory of Miris


Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: We Leak into Each Other and Never Forget


Full Moon at 2 degrees of Sagittarius: Moved by a Vision of Myself