Full Moon at 2 degrees of Sagittarius: Moved by a Vision of Myself

The Moon reaches its fullness at 2 degrees of Sagittarius on the 23rd May at 4:35pm Cyprus time. In this changeable and moving fire sign, we see a vision of ourselves and are moved by it, recognise it as that which calls us. The vision is that which lies on the other side of riding the fires of our destiny.

In Sagittarius, the soul enacts the desire to spread itself over the endless, sharpening the arrows of the archer for a direction that will lift the spirit through a recognition of a true desire; one that can proliferate meaning in the life. It is allowing the voice of the spirit to break through and commandeer the journey, it is shaping the humility of the body and the will by bending it to that command. It is the moment where we recognise which voice holds the reigns of our fulfilment and how we can allow for its guiding hand to be the dominant force behind our choices. The vector of the endless unfolding that is a life fully lived, is a direction steeped in mystery and seeking. It is a way that knows uncertainty is the only path to knowing and that the compass of change is intelligent in its timing and knows the ripeness for the administering of medicine.

This Moon tells us that etching the shape of the spirit onto the life is an act of syncing, of moving out of our own way to reveal the one that was destined to be. The one with the power to weave the webs of meaning through our existence, to contextualise our struggles through purpose. It is amongst moments of discovery of that which we recognise and recognises us back that we experience real joy.

Dr. Olomi spoke of the difference of the connotations of happiness in our modern capitalist society as more akin to excitement and thrill, while medieval Islamicate astrologers understood happiness as becoming at ease with the flow of your destiny. He used a horse-riding analogy to discern between the excitement derived from the speed of riding a horse and the happiness that arises out of the trust that enables rider and horse to sync in the freedom of being at one with each other.

In this case, happiness is not the anxious fluttering of excitement but the moment when all anxiety and fear melts away and you meet yourself unobstructed. This idea of happiness suggests that it stems from a personal capacity to take in all that one could be, to meet and know the spirit that unbridles itself on the adventure it sees itself in.

We should try to not become the enemies of the vision that speaks life into us and allow for the falling away of that which keeps it at bay unable to take hold of its vehicle. There is an art to revising your life, to placing yourself into the hands of the unknown and learning to dance with its invisible carnival full of tricksters and true artists. Resisting chaos is often delaying it.

Like all mutable signs, Sagittarius teaches us about traversing change and fluidity, the inner and outer pivoting necessary to produce a true traveller of paths. In this first decan, the energy patterning is one of speed and goal orientation, it is about projecting oneself with boldness and a kind of ruthlessness towards the attainment of a goal. No singular vision, however, will suffice the satiation of the spirit’s calls because that is what it means to be alive and creating. We learn that all flights must eventually end and that no flight can be an end-goal in itself and so our quests must be weighed against the power of our purpose so that our energy does not diffuse and lose itself in the labyrinths of our wants. Directions must be settled upon and our discernment applied to the journeys that will make us.

It is my understanding that all roads have a toll to be paid, we must just choose the one we are comfortable paying. The whole notion of proper sacrifice in the place of sacrificial self-undoing depends on our knowing of what we want because life will either let you keep your comfort but take your excitement or it will plunge you into landscapes of challenge but preserve your opportunity to reach a place where you can adorn yourself with the glow of achievement of getting through to a life that truly represents you.

It’s worth mentioning that the ruler of this lunation, Jupiter, has just passed through the beams of the Sun after its cazimi moment earlier this week and gone through a process of purification and renewal. Jupiter under the beams is what we call a combust Jupiter which could suggest that all that has been putrefied has a moment to be witnessed by us. Jupiter is not exactly comfortable in this process of combustion. This could suggest that we may be experiencing a loss of faith in our journey, it may bring up our challenges with aimlessness and the distortive expansive quests that open the door to escapism as a substitution of a real desire with a desire that produces less fear but placates us. It can bring up the shadow of our comfort and our preference for traversing the known. It may reveal a morale that is low for the journeys we are looking to undertake and may walk us through a round of duels with the beliefs that stem from our fears. In this duel with the fears of failure, of unworthiness and of the dangers of the unknown is the real crux of growth and liberation onto the path, here is where we decide the toll we are comfortable paying.

Venus is also conjunct Jupiter in opposition to this moon bringing an opportunity to put heart into our questionings and surrender to the most intelligent navigator of all.. This Full Moon is a great opportunity to bring before you a vision of yourself that moves you deeply. Sit with the feelings the vision stirs in you, light a fire and feed it the carcass of fear that doesn’t allow for its splendour to descend onto your head and make itself known in your life.


Miris, Alexandria 340 A.D


Translation of the Orphic Hymn to Hekate