“And it’s inside myself that I must create someone who will understand.”
-clarice Lispector
Michelle is an astrologer and writer focusing her practice around creating deep containers for astrological exploration. Her work is rooted in allowing clients the space to explore their charts and cultivate an ongoing relationship to their energetic blueprint that is best suited towards their desired growth. Her approach is informed by many practices such as story-telling, embodiment astrology and ritual.
Psalm 82: "God presides in the great assembly, he renders judgement among the Gods"
Astrology is a living language, symbolic, multi-fractal and ever-evolving. It opens us up into the quality of the moment and the will of evolution. Astrology is able to place us into a larger web of connectivity, becoming the macrocosmic mirror of our existence. To practice astrology is to come into relationship with the endless turning world and its hidden logos. It is communing with the rhythm pulsating behind reality and looking into the inner causes of outer situations.
The planets, as divine archetypes and representatives of aspects of the divine, speak the rhythms of this world into existence. The signs, as elemental brushstrokes, colour the ways in which an energy will move. Elements were the building blocks of material reality and are crucial in our understanding of the fabric of embodied existence.
Astrology’s most gracious gift to me was that of self-acceptance, it allows for an unpacking and an understanding of deep intrinsic needs and trajectories. It pulls you back into yourself and grounds you in a map that speaks of you and all that surrounds you, placing you into the specifics of your body and in the cradle of an expanding universe. It quietens down the parts of you that are intent on warring with yourself, when the chart speaks, you no longer need to deny yourself as a whim but come into deeper knowing of what is contained within your consciousness. It gives us a framework to contextualise inner conflicts and tensions while holding the potentials of the constructive harnessing of our energy and livelihoods.
Astrology seeks to help us build our awareness and strengthen our relationship to life. it seeks to remind us of the seat we have in all that we are creating and can help introduce us to unacknowledged parts of ourselves. It is crucial to remember that your astrology is never ‘bad’ or ‘good’, it is an invitation for growth and empowerment through a process of deep self exploration. You are always the one moving within circumstance, free to create the outcomes of your choosing. Astrology can help delineate how you can best fulfil your needs and find relevant outlets for deeper needs within the chart.
Astrology can be helpful for:
Forming a deeper relationship to self.
Exploring your relationship to different aspects of life (financial, interpersonal relationships, vocational, emotional scripts and patterns etc).
Understanding the quality of the time that you are moving through and the growth cycles initiated within your consciousness.
Working with archetypal patterns within your consciousness. Astrology can be useful for those seeking to understand ‘process’.
Understanding the dynamics between yourself and others (Parents, Children, Partners etc) sessions, we journey through the chart together and call on the essence of your story to reveal itself
In sessions together, we open space to ask the essence of the chart to reveal itself, we unfold threads and stories that allow us to give language to your psychic make-up as an individual. We can be exploratory or hone in on areas of interest. I trust that with set intentions, each session will naturally present the most pertinent themes to be discussed. It is a dive that can go as deep as you would like to take it. Sessions are confidential spaces where different parts of you can be explored.