New Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo: Bean by Bean, the Sack is Filled.
The moon reaches fullness at 5 degrees of Virgo allowing us to examine the quality of the life behind the life. We are called to meet the spirit behind the use of our personal resources, the ways in which we have gathered in our hands the working of the fate we are shaping for ourselves. We inquire into the strength of the hands that shape the life, their humility towards their ongoing creation, their steadfastness in the midst of their invisible progress. The clay of our life asks to be submitted to, and our pride and desire to be now (Leo) must be submitted now to the watching, listening and tending to the tree that we have chosen to grow. This is a culmination of the intention around the practical application of our wisdom and discernment back in September 2023.
In my culture, there is a Virgoan saying that goes bean by bean, the bag is filled. Virgo has us sitting with the details and the incremental steps that are the backbone of any real mastery- the ability to organise ourselves into units or collectives of power. The devotional energy of Virgo is directed at a maximisation of our inherent skills and resources so that we can come into deeper cooperation with that which is seeking refinement and physicalization within us. Virgo is using our body as an instrument of consciousness and the submission to the rhythms of work needed to produce something of value, it is the discomfort navigated while trying to write, it is the time spent sharpening your tools, it is the practice that asks you to leave personal wiles at the door and come into an honouring of something bigger than you in a consistent fashion. This is how things are nurtured into life, not by luck but by subtle inventory of details, by loyalty to the beauty of skill and to the unseen gifts that grow in conscious dedication.
This Moon asks us to envision the ploughing and sowing of our lives, the patience necessary to create something worthwhile or truly beautiful. The ability to withstand self-abandonment in the creation of value within us and of fruitful works outside of us.
This Full Moon in Virgo hands over the scythe and reminds you to engage in the work that is not comfortable to show you the devotional container of your faith and to test you as you bring the fruits of your labour earthside. It is the omen of discipline and patient undertakings, of the self-control and discipline that brings us into a closer and more sincere relationship to our creations. It is an active engagement with the work that is not comfortable that is the practical application of our faith. It is the conjuring of the intelligence behind the organisation of our lives so that we may ask it about the solidity of our own trust in our workings, about the quality of our daily tending and about whether the container we are working within is the one conducive to what we are trying to grow. This is a useful reminder of the listening of the emotional body (Pisces) and how we can achieve its sublimation through work whereby emotions can find catharsis through a consistent submission towards that which is greater for us and yet still invisible.
The Moon is in Mercury’s bound while also opposing the planet itself, combust the Sun leaving Mercury in a debilitated state which may suggest that there are many blind spots that abound in the ways in which we work or organise. There can also be a clouding of the mind whereby our inability to see what needs to be done clearly and the ways in which we cut ourselves short in our personal application can become clear.
I am in the sea of it all
Sometimes labouring
Sometimes floating
The Gods are consulted for direction
Sometimes they point
Sometimes they leave me lost
I sometimes don’t have the energy for much other than prayer
I sometimes move mountains as I sleep
I work hard for a direction that is unknowable
I work hard knowing the Gods can well take it all away
I work hard to make something inside that I can use
I am thinking of faith now
And how we are all waiting for the abrupt moment
Of our emergence
Hands deep in ether
Making into mud
Something of ourselves
After years of struggle
Alone in the backrooms of our lives
Shaping shaping shaping
Until finally you simply have done enough
And you want to live and you want to love
And the tools come down
And see yourself in your handiwork.