Virgo New Moon: September 2023

The New Moon in Virgo takes place at 3:36 Cyprus time tightly applying to an earth-bound Uranus in Taurus inviting processes of revelation if we drop into our inner physical space about how we can liberate ourselves while expressing something qualitative and of service through our management of the daily. It also opposes Neptune in Pisces suggesting that trust in the process is needed and we can feel how reticent or allowing we are of it, the world is vast and all the wisdom lives inside the body, never take the physical as mundane and remember the faith necessary to create a life that originates in the purity of the dream untarnished by the world’s demands of you and find its earthly value. Feel supported by the mystery and practice feeling loved by God. Pour libations to all that you have come from, learned from and feel the rooted web of connection hold you strong.

In the darkness of the moon,

the act of extraction takes place.

The collecting of raw materials

must now find its usefulness.

The distillation of the self

into pieces of its essence

that make the whole

an intelligent machine.

As you sacredly secrete yourself,

drop into your body

and feel the digestion of your reality.

What has been taken in

What has been left onto the world

What is still swimming in the mind

avoiding classification.

Relationship triumphs over self-radiation.

Listen to your exchange with the winds

that ask for your devotion.

In organising the loudness within

To make it out

being a sound and grounded being

in this work that is life

and the life that is work

Finding reflections of you

in minute detail

and cosmic wonder.

Catharsis through repetitive work.

The invisible holy work

of consistency.

The refinement of submitting to the task

to find a container for the life that brims inside

with precision and efficiency

which are also divine qualities.

This is the practice of embodiment.

Digest, digest and accept that which you cannot control.

Take a hand off the mind’s wheel,

after doing your due diligence.

Find worship in the ritual that is your life.

Let your understanding be succinct.

Remember, you are always exchanging of yourself,

in discernment,

you will know the reasons.

Tend to the world

Tend to yourself

in equal measure.

Allow the purity of the virgin

to bless you

as you stand self-sovereign

resourceful and wise in your body

making offerings for the gratitude you feel

to walk this earth.


Venus dances with Jupiter: September 2023


Rihanna, Pluto, Projection and Breaking the Bank: